One night, as I was trying to fall asleep, I was suddenly overflowed with images of little creatures.
They looked as though they had been drawn by a child. All of them were sort of chimeras, with little colored and golden scales and feathers. They were persistant in my mind's eye and came back several nights in a row. One night not long after Christmas, they kept me up and I just had to get up and make a note of them. I was away for the holidays and the only papers I could find at hand were envelopes. I drew a small series of them right there and then.
Later I started painting them. That’s when I started to realise they were all creatures that my inner child had created years ago to look after my heart, to play when I was alone, scream when I couldn’t, sing when I cried, and go on adventures to expand the known land of my soul. They are fiercly playful, unapologetycally themselves, and they hold the purpose of aliveness.